As most people are getting ready to leave for summer vacation now is a good time to have them check their cables connections and fax machine settings. They can make sure they are labelled and documented so when they return to the office they can confirm everything is how they left it. If you are visiting your clients’ site you can take pictures of the setup for them so they can reference this if they have issues or things get moved while they are away.
It might also be a good idea to periodically send your client a fax especially if they don’t receive a lot or mostly send. Some fax machines allow for an automated faxing so they can set up a job to fax you as well. But either way this will let you know if things are working well while they are away.
For vFax accounts and faxes that are also sent to emails you can add other addresses in the portal so the person who is away faxes don’t get ignored. In their account in the portal you simply input additional emails by adding a comma after the current one and then the email address. You can add up to 5 addresses usually without any issue; the field has a 200 character limit.
This should help you, your staff and your clients have a relaxing summer and ensure everything is working as expected when everyone returns.